Cover of It Starts With Food
Title: It Starts With Food
Authors: Unknown
Author Sort: Unknown
Date: 02 Feb 2019
Languages: eng
Modified: 02 Feb 2019

Are you ready to commit to a whole new way of living and eating?Certain foods are negatively affecting our bodies and causing many physical and neurological issues. By moving towards foods that are heart and head healthy we can directly change the way we feel. Almost all the symptoms of modern life can be traced back to the foods that we eat. What foods should we be eating and what foods should we staying away from? This whole food diet program was created to answer these questions. This is a diet and lifestyle plan that literally eliminates certain foods from the diet.We ask that you commit to 30 full days of elimination in which all unhealthy, hormonally unbalanced foods are taken away. You will cleanse your system from the years of toxins and impurities that have built up and start afresh. The aim is simple: through this process of elimination you will finally be able to listen to what your body is telling you. By the end you'll know exactly how you react to certain foods and...